Troglodytes troglodytes
There are over 80 species of wren that are all based in the Americas. Our Wren is the only one found outside of those continents.
It’s the third smallest British bird after Goldcrest and Firecrest.
The old name for this endearing species is Jenny Wren.
The Wren featured on the reverse of the ‘farthing’ coin.
The Wren’s trilling song can be heard all year round.
Their main food is insects and spiders.
While courting a female, the male can build or start to build up to 6 nests in its territory.
Despite not always being visible it is perhaps the most common bird in Britain being found from Lands End to Shetland.
Wrens may roost communally during the winter to keep warm. There are usually just a handful of individuals but there have been mega collections of 60 roosting together.