One down – ten to go!

Brrrrrr! It was brass monkeys here in Notting Hill today. Okay, no snow but it was cold enough.

I got up at 7am, sat at the edge of my bed and tapped away on my mac keyboard. I was working on my talk that I giving alongside Mike Dilger in a few weeks time. When finished writing my notes I emailed them over to him and then started on the next project – a 1000 word piece on a journey around The Scrubs for the Conwy RSPB Reserve. They are putting together a collection on walks written by celebrities to sell at their gift shop. My deadline was Christmas!
Spoke with Birdguide’s Fiona Barclay later and she excitedly told me that she had a site tick on her patch, Acton Park. It was a Pheasant. It immediately had me thinking; what the hell is lurking over at The Scrubs?
2 replies
  1. Alan
    Alan says:

    Hi David,
    Was going to send you a little reminder, but having read your blog find there is no need to. Yours will be the first one in I think! We’ve had a busy, but fun year raising funds for the new boardwalk and it now stands a little under £9,000
    Wishing you a happy and successful new year
    Will be in touch Many thanks.
    Best wishes

    Audrey ( Parry)
    Conwy RSPB Support Groupratests

  2. David
    David says:

    Hi Audrey,

    You have been on my mind all over Christmas!

    I’m glad that you have raised 9 grand – well done.

    I’ll have my piece with you by the end of the week.

    Take care



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