More Latvian Birding History
Correspondence for this blog has been rather slack recently due to me being pretty exhausted at night after long days in the field. But I will be plastering this blog with loads of images from Latvia in the coming days.
For the past couple of days we have been based at Kolka Cape to the west of Riga and the last stop for migrants before Scandinavia.
What a place!!!
Dripping with migrants and not a birder in site. It is Latvia’s hidden secret its jewel in an already embelished crown. Today we recorded the country’s fourth ever Pallid Harrier. An immature female from the looks of it.
There should be some mistake. There are 35 records listed at (completest latvian checklist on the net) since 1999, when pallid harrier first came out from the B category. I belive there are'nt listed all records.
This Pallid Harrier record could be 4th for this spring season.
But, anyway, I'm happy, that you like birding in our country!
Thats the third one for this season! So author made a mistake.
Unfortunately, Iwas told that it was the 4th so apologies for the mistake.
Nevertheless, a great bird!